December 7, 2010

What makes you happy?

We bend head over heels to have a successful life in the hopes of having perpetual happiness. What are some things that makes you happy. Here's a modest list of what makes me happy..

1. Helping others: Especially when it is done with a loved brings great joy to help someone with a kind gesture, time spent with them, especially, the elderly, or even as simple as sincere words of appreciation.
2. Feeling Needed: When I feel that my actions or words will have a positive impact on another life.
3. Spending quality time with family:
Oh, I love to snuggle and talk sweet nothings on the recliner with my family. They are the BEST!
4.Contentment: Having an honest idea of one's strengths and weaknesses, and not being unreasonable in comparing one's life with others.
5. Family: Maintaining the strong family ties no matter what.
6. Not sweating the small stuff: Easier said that done, somethings are not worth the attention to detail
7. Not always worrying about what others think:
Also an acquired quality, never let others decide what makes you happy, take care of yourself.

Would love to hear from you!!


soumyaj said...

So rightfully said!!! Hope you are doing good Mini.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Very true...
Not sure, in our daily chores, how many times we compromise on sticking to what we think we should be doing...

thasnim said...

if you are the mini i have known in the years of st josephs..then! my!!what a way to stumble upon you!!!its me, your long lost pal,nimmi ,from hostel days!

thasnim said...

if you are the mini i have known in the years of st josephs..then! my!!what a way to stumble upon you!!!its me, your long lost pal,nimmi ,from hostel days!

Shruti said...

Hi Nimmi:
It is so good to hear from you! Where are you!! and no contact info :(
You can get in touch with me at