6:30 am: a warm, chubby and cozy hand hugs me tight..I sleepily turn around..Kunju has sneaked into our room and is getting her "5 more minutes"
7:15 am: Kunju is waiting for the school bus, blissfully humming "Bhavayami Raghuramam"
7:30 am: Chai with Santuma in the recliner catching the morning news (Chai tastes extra great because he made it )
7:45 am: Tour of the garden ...4-5 pink peonies are in bloom, 4 buds on the red rose, a few day lillies, and (still) no activity on the dahlias. The lawn was nicely mowed last evening..it has been a week without rain and I wish for some...
8:00 am: Miraculously, a brief, light shower, that was equivalent to 2 hours of watering using the sprinkler. The lawn looks rejuvenated instantaneously. The Sun creeps out again causing the leaf blades to glitter like diamonds...I go to the patio to sit outside..the cushions are wet on my lungi. I don't mind...2 red birds are chasing each other...another chanaka pakshi is stealing our pine straw mulch for its nest...
Life is good, I miss you, wish you could be here to share this morning with me...
9:00 am: Check emails and have Cereal/Fruit with Santuma, he gives me his usual lecture of the chores he wants me to do by the time he is back (go to bank, get the car registration renewed, put the photos in the album etc)..I just smile..poor thing cannot help being jealous at my freedom...
9:15 am: I rummage the fridge and mix up a yogurt, rice flour and kasturi manjal face mask and head upstairs...A huge heap of laundry snarls at me saying FOLD ME.
I sigh, did I say I miss you, Mom?